Find Asphalt Professionals in Dallas, TX

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Top 3 Asphalt Professionals in Dallas, TX

A.R.C painting & handyman

4.7 (14)

Dallas, TX


Hi there, my name is Alex and I am pleased to offer my business services to you. I am an expert in home interior and exterior remodeling as well as painting. Additionally, I also provide quick and eff... read more

Recent review:

"Alex was recruited to replace the window sills, arriving punctually and conducting himself in a highly professional manner. In addition, he executed his duties expertly, resulting in outstanding outco... read more"

Reviewed by Brandon M.

Wyatt Enterprises

4.3 (7)

Dallas, TX


Greetings, my name is Tommy and I specialize in fixing problems and making repairs. Whether it's leaks, holes, or damages, I can find a solution. No matter the size of the task, big or small, I am con... read more

Recent review:

"I am extremely pleased with Mr. Wyatt's exceptional workmanship, as he far exceeded my expectations. I am overjoyed and look forward to employing him for my upcoming ventures! The attached photos illu... read more"

Reviewed by Joshua A.


5.0 (2)

Dallas, TX


Our top priority at East Texas Paving is delivering excellent results that satisfy our customers, all while providing efficient service and fair pricing. We have over two decades of experience complet... read more

Recent review:

"The town's parking lot was paved impeccably and with utmost courtesy, completing it within the deadline. Extremely satisfied with their services, we will always prefer them for any concrete or asphalt... read more"

Reviewed by Ashley C.

How much does an asphalt driveway cost?

The average cost for an asphalt driveway is $8-$14 per square foot, including labor and material costs. However, this price can vary depending on several factors, such as:
• The size of the driveway
• The type of asphalt used (custom blends tend to be more expensive)
• Whether or not the driveway needs to excavate first
• The condition of the underlying surface
• Access to the job site

How long does asphalt take to dry?

Drying time for asphalt depends on the thickness of the coating, weather conditions, and the type of asphalt. Generally, it dries within one day or two, so you can walk on it. But it takes 6 to 12 months to become cured and firm enough to drive on it.

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