Find Porcelain Tub Repair Professionals in Harrisburg, PA

Find Porcelain Tub Repair Professionals in Harrisburg, PA

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Top Porcelain Tub Repair Professionals in Harrisburg, PA

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How much do contractors charge to remodel a bathroom?

It depends on the contractor, the size of the bathroom, and the extent of the remodel. Typically, contractors charge between $25 and $75 per hour. So, for a simple remodel that takes 10 hours, you can expect to pay between $250 and $750. Lump-sum charges for a small bathroom are around $6000-7000.

How to choose a bathroom remodeling contractor?

When choosing a bathroom remodeling contractor, it is essential to consider critical points such as licensing, insurance, experience, and reviews.
• First and foremost, make sure that the contractor you choose has a state license or not.
• Secondly, verify that the contractor has insurance.
• Next, ask for references and check online reviews.
• Finally, get an estimate in writing before signing any contracts.

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