Find Criminal Attorneys in Trenton, NJ

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Top Criminal Attorneys in Trenton, NJ

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What does a criminal defense lawyer do?

Criminal defense lawyers protect the rights of people accused of crimes. They work to get their clients the best possible outcome in court, whether that means getting the charges reduced or dismissed or securing a lighter sentence.
Criminal defense lawyers may also represent clients in civil lawsuits related to crimes, such as wrongful imprisonment or excessive force by police officers. They often have experience with law enforcement and the criminal justice system, which gives them a unique perspective when defending their clients.

How much does a criminal defense lawyer cost?

The cost of a criminal defense lawyer can vary significantly depending on the attorney's experience, location, and the specific services requested. However, most criminal defense lawyers charge an hourly rate, ranging from $100 to $400 per hour. Some attorneys also require a retainer fee (a deposit paid up-front, which is often refundable) before agreeing to represent a client.

How to choose a criminal defense lawyer?

Choosing a criminal defense lawyer is like choosing anyone you want to hire for a service. You need to make sure they are qualified, ethical, and affordable. The most important thing you should look at before choosing is that a criminal defense lawyer must have experience in a case similar to yours so they can give you a better solution.

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