Find violinists in Omaha, NE

Find violinists in Omaha, NE

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Top violinists in Omaha, NE

Tyler Preston (One Man Band)

4.8 (8)

Omaha, NE


Experience the band atmosphere without the loud volume 🎸🎢😎 Create a calming and relaxing environment with Tyler Preston's soulful voice and bluesy guitar at your cocktail hour or reception. ... read more

Recent review:

"Collaborating with Tyler was a delightful experience. He comprehended our requirements and was adaptable enough to tailor his performance to the rhythm of our event. His splendid music was appreciated... read more"

Reviewed by Samantha N.

Lisa Nielsen Violin

5.0 (10)

Omaha, NE


With years of experience in teaching both violin and viola, I consider myself a proficient professional. My teaching methods cover all age groups and skill levels, using both conventional techniques a... read more

Recent review:

"Lisa Nielsen is an exceptionally professional person who sincerely desires to assist you in becoming a splendid musician. She is extremely comprehensive and knowledgeable, therefore, she will help you... read more"

Reviewed by James W.

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