Find Bush Removal Professionals in High Point, NC

Find Bush Removal Professionals in High Point, NC

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Top 3 Bush Removal Professionals in High Point, NC

New Blooms llc

5.0 (4)

High Point, NC


At New Bloom, we are proud to be an outstanding company. Our team is composed of a skilled group of gardeners and landscape designers who excel in managing undertakings of any size. We are passionate ... read more

Recent review:

"The job done by Christa and her team was exceptional! Their response to my concerns was prompt, and I would highly recommend them to anyone."

Reviewed by Stephanie R.

Cecilio’s Landscaping LLC

4.5 (29)

High Point, NC


Our aim as a triad-based company is to provide our clients with the ultimate yard that perfectly suits their requirements. Our steadfast commitment to every detail when we are on your property sets us... read more

Recent review:

"Our encounter with Cecilio’s landscaping was fantastic. There was a large heap of leaves in the front yard which he removed swiftly and efficiently without compromising on the quality of the job. I ... read more"

Reviewed by Anthony W.

Garland Landscaping

4.4 (44)

High Point, NC


At our company, we take pride in going the extra mile, one yard at a time. Our priority is to work closely with each customer to provide a maintenance package that not only meets their needs but also ... read more

Recent review:

"My experience with this company was excellent on all fronts. I am highly satisfied with their communication, service quality, and professionalism. Without a doubt, I would recommend them to anyone who... read more"

Reviewed by Justin R.

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