Find LG TV wall mount services in Cary, NC

Find LG TV wall mount services in Cary, NC

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Top LG TV wall mount services in Cary, NC

Joel. D

4.6 (31)

Cary, NC


Being a handyman since childhood, my passion for aiding others led me to establish this enterprise. My primary focal point is on fulfilling my clients' needs, and I would derive pleasure in assisting ... read more

Recent review:

"The hanging of our prints was done remarkably well by Joel! He utilized his expertise to offer constructive suggestions and had all the required hardware to complete the job. We will surely employ his... read more"

Reviewed by Jennifer T.

George Kattan

5.0 (9)

Cary, NC


With a wealth of more than four years experience, I have honed my skills in assembly and mounting various structures for both commercial and residential purposes. My work stands out for achieving outs... read more

Recent review:

"George was exceedingly courteous and skilled. He assembled my daughter's bed in no time at all. I would select him again and again."

Reviewed by Matthew G.

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