Find LG refrigerator installers in Joliet, IL

Find LG refrigerator installers in Joliet, IL

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Top LG refrigerator installers in Joliet, IL

RC Handyman Service

4.7 (3)

Joliet, IL


Twenty years ago, my father initiated in the renovation of houses. At the age of 10, I commenced working with him on his days off. Subsequently, I have acquired an additional 8 years of experience in ... read more

Recent review:

"I did not receive any response even after sharing all the information about my elliptical. I strongly advise against it."

Reviewed by Lauren S.

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It is up to you to decide to tip or not. If you are happy and satisfied with the appliance installers' services, you can surely tip them with generosity. It is not common in our society, but it is not bad either.

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