Find IKEA kitchen contractors in Torrance, CA

Find IKEA kitchen contractors in Torrance, CA

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Top IKEA kitchen contractors in Torrance, CA

Steve's Help

5.0 (16)

Torrance, CA


As a seasoned furniture assembler, I specialize in putting together items such as Murphy Beds, Ikea Pax Wardrobes, Dressers, Book Shelves, beds, and other related products. Furthermore, I also provide... read more

Recent review:

"Steve was truly exceptional! Although I booked him on the same day, he flawlessly installed our IKEA shelves. I felt at ease allowing him to enter my abode. Furthermore, Steve meticulously detailed ea... read more"

Reviewed by Rachel W.

Yurii’s Home Services

5.0 (202)

Torrance, CA


When working on a client's project, my main focus is on providing high-quality work without taking any shortcuts. My top priorities include maintaining a safe environment, being honest in all interact... read more

Recent review:

"Yurii successfully took out our old dishwasher, set up our new one, and replaced 2 dimmer light switches with smart switches. He responded promptly to my initial inquiry and subsequent appointment boo... read more"

Reviewed by Ryan M.

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