Find Flat Screen TV Installers in Santa Ana, CA

Find Flat Screen TV Installers in Santa Ana, CA

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Top Flat Screen TV Installers in Santa Ana, CA


4.9 (299)

Santa Ana, CA


With expertise in furniture assembly, I have successfully constructed various items such as new grills, IKEA bed frames, and lofts. Equipped with my own set of tools, I am adept at handling heavy obje... read more

Recent review:

"Kian exemplified punctuality, proficiency, precision, and promptness. He deftly mounted a TV, hung numerous paintings, installed a bookcase, and suspended a mirror for me. His work came with ease, mak... read more"

Reviewed by Courtney J.

Matijevich Assembly & Installation

5.0 (369)

Santa Ana, CA


Our passion revolves around assisting individuals in need with a sense of joy. Our aid is accompanied by a cheerful grin and an assurance of contentment. Our purpose is to enhance people's lives and p... read more

Recent review:

"Today, I received a TV mounting service from an exceptional professional who provided a tidy and efficient service. The job was executed splendidly, and I am considering hiring him for another project... read more"

Reviewed by Danielle L.

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