Find Child Therapists in Richmond, CA

Find Child Therapists in Richmond, CA

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Top Child Therapists in Richmond, CA

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How to find a therapist?

To find a therapist, you can post your request on our website, or you can go to our dedicated page and enter the zip code so you can easily find the best match available in your area.

How much do therapists make?

Being a therapist can prove to be a very rewarding career. In addition to play a critical role in the mental health of their clients, therapist also receive a good salary. The amount of money a therapist makes largely depends on their qualifications, experience and location. Generally, therapist salaries tend to range from $35,000 to $85,000 per year with the average therapist making around $64,000 annually. However this can be higher or lower depending on how many years worked as therapist or whether they work solo or in groups. Furthermore experienced therapists or those having specializations have the chance of earning more than that.

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