Find TV stand assemblers in Palmdale, CA

Find TV stand assemblers in Palmdale, CA

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Top TV stand assemblers in Palmdale, CA


4.5 (63)

Palmdale, CA


I am dedicated to providing exceptional care to each of my clients, assuring them that no matter how challenging or daunting their move may appear, we will strive to deliver the highest quality servic... read more

Recent review:

"With his team, Joshua executed an impressive job of relocating bulky furniture from my garage to an upstairs den, keeping a watchful eye to avoid any potential damages. Beyond his primary task, he gen... read more"

Reviewed by Melissa A.

Orchade Handyman & Delivery services

4.1 (8)

Palmdale, CA


Greetings, with 5 years of handyman experience, I possess a fervent desire to assist in reaching objectives. My expertise in mounting, home repairs, moving assistance, lifting, hanging, fitness equipm... read more

Recent review:

"An excellent handyman who provided great assistance and acted very professionally, always quick to respond. I look forward to using their services again."

Reviewed by Ashley M.

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