Find Window Washers in Fairbanks, AK

Find Window Washers in Fairbanks, AK

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Top Window Washers in Fairbanks, AK

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How much does window cleaning cost?

Window cleaning is an important task to maintain the cleanliness of your living space, and depending on the size, type and number of windows you need to be cleaned can affect how much you pay for this service. Window cleaning services cost vary from one place to another, largely determined by the level of services you opt for and other personal factors like location. Window cleaning generally costs anywhere between $5-$30 per window; however, prices can go up depending on the quality of the job needed. Window cleaners may charge an hourly rate ranging from $10-$50 or they may quote a price based on your particular job requirements. It pays to do some research and shopping around to get the best deal.

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